About Conference

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee, I am pleased to welcome you to the 6th Cancer World Congress going to be held during September 28-30, 2022 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal.

The 1st Congress of this new series was held in Madrid (Spain) in May 3-5, 2017.

The 2nd Congress (the first under my lead) was held in Bologna (Italy) in July 23-25, 2018 and the 3rd Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic from September 23-25, 2019 (see at http://cancerworldcongress.com/ past Conferences)

Unfortunately, the 4th Congress planned to be held in Oslo in June 15-17 and then moved to Lisbon in September 23-25 had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 5th Cancer World Congress 2021 previously planned to take place in Durres (Albania) had to be replaced by a virtual Conference that was successfully held online on September 30th and October 1st (see at http://cancerworldcongress.com/2021/).

The theme of the 6th Cancer World Congress 2022 is “Personalized Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy”.

Major topics include but are not limited to:

Cancer Biology, Cancer Cell and Model Systems, Tumor microenvironment, Microbiota and Probiotics in Cancer, Cancer Immunology, Molecular Epidemiology, Imaging and Diagnosis in Cancer, Cancer Biomarkers, Cancer Therapy, Prevention and Palliative care in Cancer, Complementary and adjuvant Cancer Treatments.

We will gather academicians and young inspired scientists from all around the world with the aim to strengthen the international cooperation in the fight against Cancer.

One other major goal of this Conference is, in fact, to create an atmosphere of interactions between young and senior scientists to favor novel cooperation that shall bring to new and more efficacious strategies to understand and fight cancer (see the Career/Networking page).

Cancer World Congress 2022 Organizing Committee anticipates the participation of two-hundred speakers and delegates from thirty Countries.

Free slots for other Speakers to be selected based on their CV and Abstract are still available.

Young investigators will have the opportunity to deliver an oral communication to be selected from the poster abstract (please, see also the AWARDS page for application).

We hope that you will join the Conference to take advantages of the presence of internationally renowned Scholars to exchange ideas and to merge the different expertise into successful collaborations.

Ciro Isidoro (Head of the Organizing Committee)

Department of Health Sciences, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara (Italy)

Organizing Committee

View Cancer 2022 Organizing Committee Members

Honorary Lectures

View Cancer 2022 Honorary Lectures

Keynote Speakers

View Cancer 2022 Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers

View Cancer 2022 Invited Speakers
For Awards please click here

Free slots available for Invited Lectures and Oral Communications. Short and Flash Communications will be selected from Poster abstracts.

This is a non-sponsored and self-supported series of conferences. The organizing committee members have no financial conflict of interest with the managing company. Our mission is to gather scientists and young investigators involved in research at the cutting edge in the study of the biology and clinics of Cancer. Speakers are selected by the Organizing committee based on the CV and Abstract.

Young Presenters

View Cancer 2022 Young Presenters

Media Partners

The Conference is advertised in the official web site of our media partners

Journal of Cancer and Metastasis Treatment https://jcmtjournal.com/about?act=partner (cooperating conferences)

Abstracts and Proceedings will be published free of charge in Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Treatment (deadline November 30th, 2022)
Web link: https://jcmtjournal.com/journal/special_detail/1057

Scientific Sessions

Submit Abstract We request you to submit a brief idea or abstract of your talk/presentation/symposium/workshop according to your session interest
  • Cancer Biology: Current Concepts
  • Cancer Immunology and therapy
  • Tumour Molecular Epidemiology
  • Cancer Cell and Model Systems
  • Organ Specific Cancer
  • Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy
  • Cancer Vaccines
  • Cancer Nursing
  • Cancer Biomarkers
  • Radiology andChemotherapy
  • Breast Cancer
  • Neuro Oncology
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Prevention and Palliative care in Cancer
  • Cancer Drugs
  • Complementary and alternative Cancer Treatments

Contact Us

If you have any enquiry, please fill the form below. We will get back to you.

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